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Why Outlets Spark: A Guide for Ensuring Electrical Outlet Safety

by Rob Edwards

While a quick spark from an outlet might be a harmless effect of regularly using electrical equipment, there are several safety risks and potentially dangerous effects associated with sparking outlets. If you’re noticing your home equipment is increasingly sparking when you plug it in, or have questions about the most common causes of outlet sparks, this latest post offers guidance from our Iowa electricians.

Why Is My Outlet Sparking?

The following are the most common causes for sparking outlets:

Moisture Exposure

Outlets that make contact with water may cause sparking. The moisture may come from within the wall if there’s a pipe leak or an exterior source such as a splash from a faucet in the case of kitchen outlets. You can counteract moisture-related electrical sparking by installing a GFCI and interrupting power to the outlet if a surge of electricity is detected.

Short Circuits

Short circuits occur when excess heat builds up within the outlet and causes the electricity to take a dangerous route in the circuit. The most common reasons for short circuits are faulty electrical components and damaged wiring. 


An aging outlet is more likely to generate sparks due to material degradation. The loosening of components from their housing and the resulting insulation damage can lead to outlets sparking each time you plug something in. That’s why the experts recommend you undergo an annual electrical inspection to detect potential outlet issues before they cause a home electrical safety problem.

Fraying Appliance Cord

A fraying appliance cord is another of the more common reasons for an outlet sparking. Fraying occurs when excess heat builds up within the wiring, melting the insulation and exposing the interior wire. Fraying may also be due to rodents chewing through the wiring and insulation. A frayed wire may prevent the current from taking a safe route in the circuit, which then causes a short circuit and increases the chances of a spark when you use the outlet.

The Common Signs of Dangerous Sparking

Recognizing the signs of a potentially serious electrical sparking issue can help you decide to call an electrician for outlet repair services. If your outlet shows any of the following signs of dangerous sparking, call an electrician immediately for emergency repairs:

  • The sparking causes burn marks on the outlet cover or wall near the outlet
  • The sparking latest more than several seconds
  • The outlet smells of smoke
  • The sparking occurs each time you use the outlet, regardless of the device

Frequently Asked Questions About Sparking Outlets

Is it safe to use an outlet that sparks?

Electricians recommend waiting for an inspection before using a sparking outlet. Because the cause is unknown, and the sparking could relate to frayed wiring and short circuits that may cause an electric shock. You should confirm with an electrician before using the outlet again.

If the spark comes from an appliance should I unplug It?

Yes, if an appliance releases a spark when plugged in, you should prevent further power going to its circuit by unplugging it. Your electrician can inspect the appliance and check for potential electrical issues before you plug it back in and reuse it.

How much does it cost to fix a sparking outlet?

The cost to fix the outlet will range between $140 and $300 depending on the cause and the amount of repair time the electrician requires to fix the outlet.

Call Custom Electrical: Iowa’s Leaders in Outlet Repair

Custom Electrical Services has repaired and replaced thousands of outlets in homes across Iowa, from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids. Our team is known for their comprehensive knowledge, unparalleled commitment to service, and experience with the latest electrical equipment models.

If your outlet is sparking and you need urgent electrical help, call Custom Electrical Services at 515-669-3418 or book your service online and we’ll dispatch a local electrician.
