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Reset GFCI Outlets an Electrician Safely Installed

by Andrew H

An electrician will have installed regular outlets or other kinds of electrical outlets throughout your home, according to the National Electric Code and your home’s electrical system. 

You may have noticed some plugs that look slightly different than a regular electrical outlet. One of the big differences is that some of the outlets have testing buttons on them. You will likely find them in your bathroom, kitchen, or garage. These are called ground fault circuit interrupter or GFCI outlets.

They are also called ground fault interrupter or GFI outlets which is essentially the same thing. 

What Are GFCI Outlets?

The main purpose of GFCI outlets is to prevent shocks. The outlet monitors electrical currents for changes. When a stray current is discovered this is known as a ground fault. When this current is detected going in the wrong direction, GFCI outlets shut down the electricity on that circuit in a fraction of a second. For even the tiniest of current changes, these outlets will stop the current from taking an unintended path. 

The National Electric Code (NEC) requirements for GFCI receptacles has increased since they were first used in 1968. First required use was in swimming pools and the requirements for use have expanded since then. Here’s a timeline of NEC requirements for GFCI outlets

Why are GFCI Outlets Important? 

Since their first use, GFCI outlets have provided protection from severe or fatal electric shock. They can also prevent electrical fires and reduce the severity of other fires. 

How to Test and Reset Your GFCI Outlet

Press the button on the outlet marked TEST – you should hear a snapping sound. This indicates the outlet tripped and electricity to the plugs has been cut. You can plug in a small device to test that the outlet has shut off or use a voltage tester. Then simply press the RESET button which resets the outlet so that the outlet once again has power. The TEST button is usually black and the RESET button is usually red, but they could look different.

You can also test by plugging in a lamp and turning the lamp on. Press the test button and the lamp should go out. If the lamp didn’t go out you have a faulty outlet and should contact us to have one of our electricians out to have a look. Press the reset button and the lamp should come back on. If it didn’t this is again a sign that something is wrong and an electrician should come out to test the outlet. 

Test GFCI outlets:

  • When installed
  • Once a month
  • After a power failure

Tips For When Your GFCI Outlet Won’t Reset

  • Check the breaker box to see if it was tripped
  • Unplug your devices one at a time to correct potential power overloads
  • If you’re still having problems, book one of our electricians to come out and find out what the problem

GFCI Installation By An Electrician

Circuit breaker and receptacle-type GFCIs should be installed in your home by a licensed electrician. Qualified electricians can perform electrical work and electrical wiring safely and can repair any electrical issues. 

Contact us for GFCI installation and one of our electricians will come out and safely install GFCI outlets where you need them. In Central Iowa, including Des Moines, call 515-669-3418, or for Eastern Iowa, including Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, call  319-313-3313 or book a journeyman electrician online. 
